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Acidul tricloracetic (TCA) este un component cheie al peelingurilor chimice moderne. TCA este o substanță chimică cu un PH acid, folosit cu succes pentru exfolierea controlată a pielii, si remodelarea a țesutului conjunctiv de la nivelul dermului, prin stimularea sintezei de noi fibre de colagen si glicozaminoglicani.Shop items from smaller

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Rumored Buzz on prx t33 peeling buy online

The main advantages of the PRX-T33 Peel Treatment method are many. As well as bettering the looks of high-quality traces and wrinkles, the treatment method can assist minimize the appearance of scars, hyperpigmentation, and Solar problems. Soon after this, the solution will be washed and rinsed off with water. Then a moisturizer are going to be pl

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